Chasing Tales

adventures in tornado alley

Having been privileged enough to chase storms since 2007, I have been incredibly fortunate to have been able to amass a considerable portfolio of storm photography that showcases all aspects of severe weather. Now, as driver and media producer for See Nature's Fury since 2017, I have been on many high octane adventures throughout Tornado Alley and across the Great Plains so I thought why not combine that photography and experience with my love of writing.

Selecting notable chase days based on how eventful or recognisable they were, Chasing Tales is exactly that; a picture book of selected storm chasing adventures that highlights what life on the road is like from the perspective of a trio of British storm chasers whilst detailing extraordinary weather activity.

Originally intended as a coffee table book, these series of tales are instead presented here until a publisher in their wisdom sees fit to print. ๐Ÿ˜‰