Castles in Winter

Castles in the Cold

Snowy Surprises: Tales of Winter Adventures

Hey everyone! How's it going?

If you think that planning a photography session guarantees a smooth experience, think again! In this post, I'll share a recent adventure around capturing castles in winter that transformed potential disappointment into a delightful surprise, all while capturing the magic of castle ruins in a winter wonderland.

Snow falls around the majestic ruin of Edlingham Castle blanketed in snow, showcasing its grandeur against a wintery backdrop.

From Sunrise to Castles in Winter

The winter season kicked off with a spectacular display of steady snowfall along the northeast coast. Eager to capture the magic of the moment, I set out with high hopes and a camera in hand.

The night before, I diligently checked the forecast and set my alarm for an early start, hoping to capture cloud inversions at sunrise. However, as I drove towards the target area, it became evident that the inversion I anticipated wasn't in place. Not to be deterred, I decided to shift gears and head to the coast for a sunrise shoot. Little did I know, Mother Nature had other plans.

Finding Beauty in Wintery Castles

Clouds heavy with snow dominated the coast, dashing any hopes of a sunrise. Undeterred, I noticed some of these same heavy clouds had ventured inland, dropping flurries over the hills between Alnwick and Rothbury. Seizing the opportunity, I redirected my journey to Edlingham, where a 13th-century ruined castle awaited.

The majestic ruin of Edlingham Castle blanketed in snow, showcasing its grandeur against a wintery backdrop.
A dusting of snow covers the ruins that lead to the open doorwar of Edlingham castle and the snow covered hills outside.

What could have been a disappointing morning turned into a photographic boon. The snow-laden clouds passing over Edlingham Castle dusted the landscape with a light white frosting, creating an ever-changing canvas of light and color.

The internal ruins of Edlingham Castle appear to form a face as snow falls around it.

Photography Tips: Finding the Right Shutter Speed

Balancing the need for movement and detail, I found that a shutter speed of approximately 1/50th of a second worked best. This setting conveyed the sense of snowflakes in motion, adding a dynamic element to the winter scene.

A snow covered footbridge leads into the grounds of a stunning ruined castle which looms tall in the distance, creating a fairytale scene.

Exploring Edlingham Castle in winter

Edlingham Castle is a fascinating ruin.

The solar tower, with one wall cracked all the way to the ground and leaning over, added a touch of mystery to the scene and I couldn't help but wonder how long it would remain standing.
My original plans to photograph this place were once centered around a spot of astrophotography so this was a great opportunity to explore the ruins off script and just, pardon the pun, chill.

A majestic ruined castle perched on a snowy hill, surrounded by a serene winter landscape, glistening under a clear blue sky.

Capturing the Moment

Following the fresh snowfall, the rising sun illuminated breathtaking clouds over the sea. Eager to capture the spectacle, a slow detour along icy country roads revealed an unexpected opportunity – sunlight filtering through roadside trees cast enchanting highlights on a stile and signpost leading into a snow-covered field beyond. Unable to resist, a quick stop resulted in another stunning photograph of a castle in winter.

Discovering Hidden WInter Gems

Serendipity took over as I decided to explore the surroundings. This led to the discovery of Mitford Castle, a hidden gem cloaked in winter's embrace. The warm hues of the brickwork stood out against the snowy backdrop, offering a captivating contrast that begged to be photographed.

A Troll Bridge and Winter Wonderland

Venturing further into the castle's grounds unveiled an unexpected delight – a charming troll bridge spanning a gentle burn encircling the castle mound. The juxtaposition of historical ruins and nature's wintry touch created a scene straight out of a fairytale, providing an opportunity for captivating photograph.

A picturesque snowy setting with a signpost, an inviting gate, leading into a snow covered field, embodying the beauty of winter.
A picturesque winter scene with a bridge crossing a stream, surrounded by snow-covered trees in a tranquil park.

Flexibility in Photography:

Mitford Castle stands as a testament to the importance of adaptability in landscape photography. By embracing spontaneity and being willing to change plans, I stumbled upon an event filled with unexpected beauty. These experiences with winter castles remind me that sometimes, the most remarkable scenes are found when I deviate from the planned path and let nature guide my lens.

A wideopen empty field of wild grasses sits in the gorge flanked by a dense canopy of vibrant autumn coloured trees.
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