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Creative Collection

When, while the lovely valley teems with vapour around me, and the meridian sun strikes the upper surface of the impenetrable foliage of my trees.

In Search of Spring (2024)

In Search of Spring (2024) blooming wildflowers in beautiful landscapes Hey everyone! How’s it going? My Springtime photography this year was confined to local woodland and a somewhat obsessive determination with finding immersive compositions of bluebells and flowering garlic there. My storm chasing duties Stateside meant I only had a small window of opportunity to get out and about when things finally bloomed. This also meant I missed capturing what promised to be some great looking fields of rapeseed. However, […]

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In Search of Winter (2023-24)

In Search of Winter (2023-2024) photographing the winter that wasn’t Hey everyone! How’s it going? I had high hopes for Winter. After a successful Autumn that brought a riot of colour and contrasting conditions, Winter hit the ground running with a couple of days that saw an inch or two of soft powder dropped across Northumberland. Nothing too dramatic, but enough for a few successful days of shooting. a disappointing season After that though, winter devolved into one of the […]

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Landscape Photography Review 2023

Landscape Photography Review 2023 looking back at my year in photography Hey everyone! How’s it going? As I review my landscape photography of the admittedly doleful year that was 2023, I’m compelled to ask myself 2 questions… Where have I come from? and Where am I going? I suppose I could then also add a third question to that list which would be Where am I on my journey right now? But that question then begs a further two which […]

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Castles in the Cold

Castles in the Cold Snowy Surprises: Tales of Winter Adventures Hey everyone! How’s it going? If you think that planning a photography session guarantees everything will go according to plan, think again! In this post, I’ll share a recent escapade that turned from potential disappointment into a delightful surprise. Winter’s Grand Entrance The winter season kicked off with a spectacular display of steady snowfall along the northeast coast. Eager to capture the magic of the moment, I set out with […]

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In Search of Autumn (2023)

In Search of Autumn (2023) Capturing the beauty of a diverse season Hey everyone! How’s it going? Autumn surprised me this year. I was worried the constant gloom that has lingered throughout summer would prove similarly challenging during the autumn months. Instead, my photography journey turned out to be surprisingly diverse and full of vibrant moments. Whereas the conditions meant I didn’t get the morning mist and inversions I was hoping for, the lemons of gloom the weather threw at […]

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