About me

Severe weather and landscape photographer

Storm Chasing

Photographing an obsession

Storm chasing and photographing severe weather is my biggest passion in life and circumstances allowing, I head out to Tornado Alley every Spring with See Nature's Fury to hunt down and document the planet's biggest storms. The UK also gets its fair share of severe weather with migrating storm complexes and the occassional homegrown supercell available during the summer months to keep feeding the obsession.


Subtitle here

Capture the majesty of nature and place the viewer in the scene. Photography sunsets, waterfalls, inversions etc. Currently a journey of much exploration.

A Zen Pursuit

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Photo Sessions

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Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum.

81%Skill One

66%Skill Two

55%Skill Three

81%Skill Four